Cezanne HR

Spring at Cezanne HR: Growing teams and improved features

Our development team has had a busy start to the year. There’s been a gaggle of new employees to get up to speed at our recently-opened office in Scotland while we focus on the delivery of even more functionality and features.

We’re especially delighted that the March release extends Cezanne HR’s existing reporting capabilities to make it even simpler for customers to export key HR data in a format that’s useful for other applications – such as payroll.

People Summary Report templates can now be copied, modified, and scheduled to run automatically. It’s a powerful, time-saving feature we know will be popular with clients –  especially those that need to manage multiple extracts for their payroll providers, or want to regularly validate employee data against other systems.

The development team is also making great progress to extend Cezanne HR’s underlying application framework so we can deliver all the great new features planned for 2017. For example, soon the system will be able to seamlessly support multiple approvers for holiday requests. Customers will be able to define that time-off requests must be approved by, for example, both the line manager and a project manager – or one or the other. Work on the new capability is well underway, so we’ll be rolling it out (along with other new features) very soon.

Existing customers of Cezanne HR can find more information about all the new capabilities in the online helpdesk, Zendesk.

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