Cezanne HR

Cezanne HR adds e-signatures, extends options for document tracking and adds smart new search functionality in the first of their Autumn 2016 releases

It’s another feature-filled month, with the latest update to Cezanne HR now available and offering powerful new functionality for document tracking, smarter search and yet more time-saving options for document and data upload.

E-signatures and flexible tracking

e-signatureThe latest release delivers an even more superior, integrated document creation and management solution. It gives HR the freedom to choose how they want to track document delivery, whether to set a deadline, and who should be notified once the requested action has been completed. For example, to let a line manager know that one of their direct reports has signed a revised employment contract, or that their whole team has received notification of a salary award.
HR can now opt to track that a document has been delivered and opened, confirmed by the recipient as read, and/or require an e-signature.

John Hixon, R&D Director of Cezanne HR explains: “e-signatures of the kind implemented in Cezanne HR are accepted in the UK, and by many other countries, so it makes sense to offer this functionality to our clients. HR will be able to see when the document was opened and when it was signed. And benefit from additional validation (such as the IP address and geolocation).”

As before, documents are stored in the Cezanne HR software, with an easy visual record of their status, and protected by the system’s advanced security. Employees also benefit, as they’ll be able to access all of their own documents — whether created in the system, or uploaded from external sources.

Easier document and data upload

“We’ve also taken the opportunity to refresh the way that documents – such as electronic payslips – are uploaded to the system,” John says. “We’ve added visual tools that make it simpler for HR to track the success of document uploads, and spot those that have failed, perhaps because the user is no longer valid.”
HR administrators now benefit from the option to delete a complete document upload, or an individual document, at the click of a button. An audit trail is kept, so it’s easy to see what’s been deleted; but it’s a handy tool should initial payslips or other documents be found to be wrong.


The option to upload specific sets of information has also been considerably extended, with education details, personal skills and company cars among the new choices. This will benefit both first-time customers and existing clients wanting to take full advantage of Cezanne HR’s comprehensive HR database to centralise a wide range of employee-related information.

Smart search, smart summary cards

Existing users will notice a major uplift to the quick search feature. Start typing, and the system will instantly anticipate the type of information you are looking for. People searches also benefit from new summary cards, that provide an instant overview of key information. Searches aren’t just limited to current employees—leavers and employees who have yet to start will also come up with visual clues, so that it’s easy to see their status.

John Hixon explains: “The objective was to make it even faster to get to the key information – and make the system do more of the work for you. The People cards are configurable, so that HR can decide how much information should appear. Clicking on the cards instantly takes you into the details, so we think it will prove to be a more powerful way to navigate to different parts of the system. It’s just one of the many productivity enhancements we’re aiming to roll out over the next months.”

As with the rest of the system, screens are responsive, so the People cards will display just as clearly on a tablet or smartphone as on a PC or laptop.

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