Cezanne HR

New things you can do with pictures in Cezanne HR

People love pictures. Our brains are hard-wired to process them quickly. They add context, provide information and drive engagement. That’s why with the latest update, we’ve taken on-board feedback from customers and added new features to make managing – and using – pictures in Cezanne HR even simpler.

My Team Side Bar

My Team Side Bar

Putting faces to names

In the past, uploading employee pictures to your Cezanne HR system used to be a bit more time consuming – especially if HR, rather than individual employees, were tasked with the activity of uploading profile pictures one-by-one. With the February Cezanne HR release, we added a new bulk upload option that lets HR users easily upload multiple pictures in one easy procedure. Over-sized images are automatically scaled to fit the available space, and there’s the option to replace or retain any photos already in the system, so the new feature is as useful for a refresh as it is for setting the system up from scratch.

Adding impact to emails

Cezanne HR automatically generates dozens of notification and reminder emails that go to HR, managers, employees, and trusted suppliers, covering everything from holiday requests to upcoming performance reviews and expiring visas or mandatory training.
A number of customers had suggested that it would be great if these emails could be branded with the company logo – or include other images to make them more visually compelling.

We’re delighted to confirm that as part of our on-going project to make email generation even more flexible, we’ve now added this option.

Continuous improvement

Feedback from our customers are a major driver of product development. Every idea suggested, large or small, is logged and reviewed. We have a dedicated ‘ideas’ area in our HR support portal where customers can post their own suggestions, vote on ideas from others, and see which ones we’re working on — and which ones we’ve delivered.

Sue Lingard

Sue studied Personnel Management at the London School of Economics before taking on management roles in the travel, recruitment and finally HR software industry. She's particularly interested in how technologies enable HR teams - and the people they support - to work better together.

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