Cezanne HR

10 reasons people love Cezanne HR

10 reasons people love Cezanne HR

10 reasons people love Cezanne HR in summary:

February is often one of the busiest times of year for us here at Cezanne HR. It’s a time filled with anticipation about the new projects we’ll be working on, and excitement over the new enhancements we have planned for products and services.

It’s also a chance to reflect on who we’ve been working with the last few years, and the things which set us apart from other HRIS platforms on the market.

We had some fantastic comments from our clients who attended our ever-popular User Group Meeting in November last year, and the feedback we received allowed us to identify the features within Cezanne HR that our clients (and HR professionals in general) truly love.

So, to coincide with Valentine’s Day, we’ve collected 10 of the features that validate why people love Cezanne HR…


As any seasoned HR professional will tell you, not all onboarding is done by HR: there are also key actions that other departments that’ll be involved; such as facilities and IT. However, ensuring they’re all done promptly can be difficult if you don’t have an overview of what has (and hasn’t been) completed.

Cezanne HR’s onboarding checklists makes onboarding new employees a seamless experience, and gives vital visibility as to what needs to be done and by whom. As well as being brilliant for new starters, they’re also perfect for staff at other key points in their employee lifecycle: such as returning from parental leave or offboarding.

The checklists facilitate the delivery and return – signed if required – of important documents. They also prompt data input, completion of training, and other HR and compliance-related tasks.

“With Cezanne HR, everything is much more professional and streamlined when we on-board new joiners. It’s also the case that behind the scenes, successful onboarding needs to connect different business functions. Not all onboarding is done by HR – there are things that facilities, IT and payroll do as well. We can tailor the checklists to cover everything we need to do. If our processes change, we simply adjust the checklists – it’s genuinely brilliant.” BPE Solicitors


Requesting holidays is easy with Cezanne HR – users can simply log into the app and request leave when it’s convenient for them. Organisations with a global presence can tailor the system as needed, including different accrual rules and local public holidays.

In addition, the Absence Management module’s clever functionality takes care of the maths for users: automatically calculating holiday entitlements based on geographic location/local legislation, working time patterns and company rules.

The absence module also facilitates managing TOIL for those organisations that offer it. All absence requests are updated in real-time ensuring a smooth absence management process, and make absences more visible and easier to manage, too

“Before Cezanne HR, we had a self-made in-house system for booking holidays and sickness which was online. Although our staff were used to using it, we found that the added visibility the Cezanne HR system offers is far greater as managers can now see calendars for wider teams, meaning it reduced the amount of holiday request clashes. They’ve also taken to using the Cezanne HR system really easily. Age UK Oxfordshire


Our Pulse Surveys module – launched in May 2022 – has already been incredibly popular with our clients, and it’s easy to understand why.

It helps HR teams keep their finger on the pulse of what’s going on within an organisation; helping them to identify and address any issues or concerns before they become a major problem. And the best part? They’re quick, easy to run, and feedback can be collected about virtually anything: from overall job satisfaction, to benefits, workplace relationships, the working environment… the sky’s the limit!


Customers rely on workflows and their associated notifications to manage HRM processes. By automating procedures and reminders in the HR system, our customers are more efficient and compliant.


Hard copy HR documents can all be a thing of the past with Cezanne HR’s secure Cloud document library. Useful for both new employees and current staff, Cezanne HR’s document feature delivers an online process for managing and returning critical paperwork, with signatures if needed.

Customers use the online documents and signature function to speed up onboarding, training and compliance – and to make a more considerate choice for the environment, too.

“The level of overall control we now have is excellent, as is the level of security we now have  with people’s documents and data. All our HR data is safe and secure in one place and available to the right people at a touch of a button.” Sagacity


From travel loan requests and job requisitions to buying and selling holidays, the flexible form builder is a firm favourite with HR professionals. Simple drag and drop commands and configurable workflows ensure forms can be set up to meet virtually every customer’s need quickly and effectively.


The software’s secure self-service features allow line managers and employees to do more for themselves, saving their and their HR partner’s time, while ensuring sensitive HR data is kept safe and manged in line with GDPR. However, there’s much more to self-service than just a secure, easy way to manage HR data.

With Cezanne HR, for example, it’s easy for HR teams to launch peer-to-peer recognition programmes, manage regular check-ins, share company updates, invite feedback and much more. In addition, the mobile app makes it even easier to access everyday important functionality

“We knew how we needed to enhance our entire employee experience at LifeSearch, and the Cezanne HR platform has brought that vision to life.”LifeSearch


As a SaaS HRIS that was designed from the start to be global, Cezanne HR delivers a solution that’s ideal for organisations with international teams. Not only is the system available online 24/7 worldwide, it can be tailored to local needs, including different languages, holiday rules, compliance and security requirements.

“The global capabilities of Cezanne HR meant we were able to solve a lot of the HR admin challenges that come with running an international business.” William Reed


Customers enjoy working with an organisation that is always developing. We are growing alongside our customers, and we use their feedback to inform ongoing system enhancements. The annual User Group Meeting is just one of the many ways we gain user input, and we make sure we listen to their needs and improve the system wherever possible. You can read about our last event here.


We know that bringing on board a new HRIS platform can feel daunting, so we’re there to support our customers – on their terms – every step of the way. Whether that means splitting out a day of training into multiple sessions, or revisiting training on particular modules as they become more relevant, our support team is patient, helpful and focused on making the implementation and ongoing use of the system a success.

Customers also have access to a library of guides, videos and release notes that we are adding to all the time; our aim is to make working with Cezanne HR a positive and productive experience for everyone.

“They have really worked in partnership with us, and the support has been excellent. I don’t envisage a situation where in one or two acquisitions time, we will feel we have outgrown it. The structure is growing, the product is growing, and our need for Cezanne HR is growing too.” ASL Aviation Group

So, why not see Cezanne HR for yourself, and understand more about the features that our customers tell us that they love. Book a demo today or get in touch for a no-obligation quote.

Author bio

MICPD-qualified Peter Hall is the Head of Customer Success at Cezanne HR. He’s been with the business since its launch in 2013, and has over a decade’s worth of experience in successfully implementing HR software solutions for global clients.

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