Cezanne HR

Five blogs that every HR professional should read

Numbered to-do list

HR blogs are in no short supply; a quick Google search will throw up an overwhelming number of sites (over 300 thousand results!) offering information, advice, and reflection on anything and everything HR related to help make the most of the HR systems out there. With such a wealth of content available, it can be difficult finding the most comprehensive and up-to-date. So to give you a helping hand, we’ve put together a list of our favourite HR blogs this month – we highly recommend bookmarking!

CIPD Blogs

No list of HR blogs would be complete without the CIPD Blogs. In addition to separate sub-blogs focussing on human capital, learning, policy, research, and reward, you can also find posts by CIPD staff sharing their personal thoughts on HR issues and news. Those of you who enjoy deliberation will also appreciate the ‘Active Discussions’ panel, which displays the recent posts that have got people talking the most.

Your HR Buddy

Created by Nisha Raghavan, Your HR Buddy takes its name from a nickname that has stuck with her throughout her career. Having worked in both India and the USA, Raghavan provides a great international perspective on human resources. Blog posts are separated into sub-categories – Career Advice, Employee Engagement, Management, Social Media, Work Culture, and Fun at Work – making it easy to navigate the site and find something you’re interested in from the extensive range of subjects addressed. There is also an ‘Ask Me’ option if you would like to submit a question to be answered, a daily cartoon, and the opportunity to submit a guest post. If you fancy a break from HR, you can even browse Raghavan’s personal artwork.

HRZone Blogs

Similar to CIPD Blogs and Your HR Buddy, posts on HRZone Blogs are tagged by sub-category – such as Strategy, People, L&D, Technology, and Employment Law – allowing readers to find content on particular issue. Alternatively you can browse by most recent, most read, featured, and most commented classifications. The posts are written and contributed by the community, bringing together the collective knowledge of hundreds of HR professionals. And if after browsing through almost 500 pages of blog posts, dating back to 2007, you feel like you have something to add, you can do just that by requesting to be a contributor.

Corn on the Job

Aside from having one of the best names we’ve ever come across, Corn on the Job is an award-winning source of thought-provoking HR content. Created by HR/Staffing professional, Rich DeMatteo, the site features posts written by a team of bloggers, known as Corn Heads, covering a broad range of HR, recruitment, and people management issues. As a Gen-Y Career Coach, DeMatteo provides an expert insight into the millennial generation who have caused, and will continue to cause, a big stir in the way HR operates. The site also explores the candidate/employee experience of HR, making it a great destination if you want to understand how your applicants and staff are thinking, or even for advice on your own job search. If you feel particularly inspired whilst on the site, there is also the opportunity to submit a proposal for a blog post.

Cezanne HR Blog

Call this shameless promotion if you will, but we think we have a pretty good blog! Written by experienced HR journalist Erika Lucas, the Cezanne HR Blog spans fifteen different sub-categories, including ‘How to…’ guides, HR Policy, Technology, Employee Engagement, and Hot Topics.

Have we missed your favourite HR blog? Let us know your suggestions in the comment box, or tweet us @CezanneHR.

Sue Lingard

Sue studied Personnel Management at the London School of Economics before taking on management roles in the travel, recruitment and finally HR software industry. She's particularly interested in how technologies enable HR teams - and the people they support - to work better together.

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