Cezanne HR

Why you want an HR system when you need to act quickly

There have been many times this year when business leaders and HR have been called on to make incredibly fast workforce decisions. At the start of the pandemic, many businesses had to quickly implement full-time homeworking policies for the first time. Then, as lockdown eased, businesses had to swiftly find COVID-19-safe operating solutions.

The HR industry has long promoted agility – but the scale of agility that’s been essential over the last 5 months is something few were ready for.

The pace that businesses will need to maintain in their decision making and HR processes isn’t going to slow down. If someone in an organisation (who has worked on site) comes down with COVID-19, an HR process to deal with the situation quickly and thoroughly will be essential. If redundancies have to be made at short notice, businesses will need workforce data ready to make the best decisions possible. And if the opposite occurs, whereby a business needs to scale up at pace, well-organised recruitment and onboarding will be a boon.

Cezanne HR helps businesses to quickly manage all these scenarios, making information and processes clear and readily available.

Scenario One: An employee who has been on site falls ill with COVID-19

All businesses with on-site employees need an action plan to cover what they would do in the instance an on-site employee was to fall ill with COVID-19.

Cezanne HR can help with all the above and more. Whereas businesses without HR systems would be slowed down by spreadsheets, Outlook communications, etc. businesses with Cezanne HR can:

Scenario Two: The business needs to make quick redundancy decisions to stay afloat

COVID-19’s economic fallout unfortunately makes redundancies inevitable – the latest statistics from the ONS show that redundancies in the UK are rising. There have been various news headlines about redundancies recently, and for businesses facing similar hard decisions about headcount, key questions will need to be asked:

Answering these questions requires specific workforce insights, and businesses will need accurate information that is readily available. Cezanne HR can help resolve these queries quickly so businesses can make informed decisions about redundancies.

Scenario Three: Business demand has increased rapidly, and new staff need to be onboarded quickly

For some businesses, COVID-19 has created an unexpected increase in sales. But businesses can just as easily fail from over demand as under demand, so it’s critical for a business to be able to scale up swiftly when needed.

Cezanne HR can help businesses manage unexpected recruitment and onboarding. ‘Unexpected’ doesn’t need to mean ‘unprepared’. Having HR software in place to facilitate the process allows businesses to get the most from their new hires as quickly as possible.

The scenarios above are just three of many situations that businesses might find themselves in over the coming months. Being able to view, communicate with, add to and reduce workforces will no doubt be on the agenda for many – and when a need arises at short notice, an HR management system like Cezanne HR is a crucial tool to act with speed and accuracy. Find out how Cezanne HR can help your business by booking a free no-obligation demonstration of the system.

Shandel McAuliffe

Now based in sunny Australia, Shandel is prolific writer and editor - particularly in the world of HR. She's worked for some big names, including the CIPD and the Adecco Group. And more recently, she's been the Editor for new HR publication HR Leader.

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