Rewarding staff who work overtime, either in the form of time off in lieu (TOIL) or financially, is a common practice across many industry sectors.

However, far too frequently, managing it is a major headache for everyone involved. Hours can be wasted on manual approval processes and administration, data is impossible to report on and mistakes get made.

Which is why, with the latest update to Cezanne HR, we’ve added overtime approvals workflows and time off in lieu to Cezanne HR’s Absence module.

Our aim is to help you manage the complete TOIL process more smoothly, so you can be confident that overtime is properly approved, appropriately rewarded, more visible and much easier for everyone to manage.

Provided free of charge to all customers with Cezanne HR’s Absence Module, the new feature for managing overtime requests and time off in lieu includes:

  • Easy-to-use overtime requests: employees can now be allowed to request authorisation to work overtime using Cezanne HR’s already-familiar interface. The option is linked to specific absence plans, so depending on your policies, can be offered to some, or all, employees.


Cezanne HR self service overtime request

  • Configurable approval workflows: the system route overtime requests through your approval cycle, including multi-step approvals if required. Approvers are notified by email when an overtime request has been made, and will also see a new activity in their taskbar. Approving or declining an overtime request automatically triggers an email to the employee, so it’s always clear exactly what has been agreed.
  • Automatic TOIL calculations: once an overtime request that’s linked to TOIL has been approved, the system updates the employee’s holiday allowance to include the extra time. TOIL entitlements can be accrued in hours or days, and set to automatically expire if not used within a customer-defined time frame.
  • Smart usage of TOIL entitlements: employees will not only find it easier to make – and track – overtime request but see what time they have accrued and when it expires. When an employee books time off, the system uses any TOIL that is available on the dates of the absence before their standard holiday entitlement. That way employees don’t have to worry about which allowance to pick from.


Cezanne HR Time Off In Lieu

  • Simpler payroll calculations: if paid overtime is awarded as an alternative to TOIL, you can schedule reports to automatically show the extra hours that employees have worked, and the agreed rate.
  • Greater insight: with all your overtime data in a single system, it’s easier to spot potential problems before the employee or the business suffers. For example, you can check to see if there is too much reliance on overtime, which could leave you short staffed at important times of the year, or result in employees working more hours than they should. Budgets are easier to control, resourcing decisions simpler to make and everyone benefits from much greater transparency.


This new functionality is now available to all Cezanne HR customers using Cezanne HR’s integrated module for holiday and absence management. Further information is available for customers can be found in the support portal.