Man and a woman facing away from one another

Is it time for a resolution revolution?

Dealing with conflict is part and parcel of everyday working life for HR professionals. Managers fall out irretrievably with one of their direct reports. Personality clashes between colleagues get out of hand, to the point where the warring factions are […]

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Laptop showing Cezanne HR software

HR Software: The Perfect Valentine?

Since the arrival of the Valentine card in Victorian times, the Valentine’s Day industry has grown to be a multi-million pound, one-day extravaganza. Although it provides an opportunity to ignite some romance with your partner and to shower them with […]

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Woman standing on a ladder

Top five HR skills for the future

HR people are usually so busy focusing on helping everyone else plan their careers, that they pay scant attention to managing their own. But in an increasingly automated and digitised world, HR careers as we know them are likely to […]

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illustration of a gavel

Making the case for your HR software budget

Why is it that companies are often reluctant to invest in HR specialist technology? Although the cost of HR software has come down dramatically in the past few years, many businesses are resisting technological change and instead sticking with spreadsheets […]

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Illustration of magnifying glass picking out a woman in a group

How to recruit quickly for critical roles

It’s not hard to spot the signs of an employee who has become disenchanted with their job. Frequent stepping outside for private phone calls. Requests for odd days off at short notice. An increasingly active presence on LinkedIn. If the […]

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Como aumentar a produtividade no trabalho

A correria do dia a dia, a rotina sem muitas mudanças e o cansaço são inimigos de qualquer pessoa que busca motivação para desenvolver as atividades no local de serviço. Aumentar a produtividade no trabalho não é uma tarefa simples […]

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Colocando em prática a gestão de pessoas

A gestão de pessoas consiste em atrair e administrar os colaboradores de uma empresa. Acompanhar o desenvolvimento dos funcionários é imprescindível na hora de analisar os pontos fortes e fracos da instituição, captar possíveis problemas e solucioná-los antes que venham […]

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O futuro do RH

No início da história dos Recursos Humanos, tudo era pensado e voltado à remuneração. Mas, com o passar dos anos, novos conceitos foram criados e inseridos na área, focando também no espaço organizacional, com processos e etapas mais humanizados, e […]

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