Manage documents with ease

Managing the mountain of paperwork that comes with human resources management is easy with Cezanne’s all-in-one HR software.

Cezanne’s core People Management system includes comprehensive document management functionality that makes it simple to upload, create, send, track and store any kind of document – with e-signature if required.

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Integrated document management software

All your documents in one place

Comprehensive library

With Cezanne, any kind of documents can be saved within the system, so you have all your essential paperwork in one place.

You can easily upload existing documents, such as proof of right to work, sickness note, or references and file against the corresponding employee profile.

Or generate documents within the system and take advantage of Cezanne’s system’s workflow to share them with the organisation.

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Comprehensive library

Get more done in less time

Flexible document templates

Make document generation simpler by creating document templates you can use over and over again.

It is easy to upload existing documents to send as they are, edit them using the built-in editor, or create documents from scratch.

You can personalise your documents by selecting from over 100 merge fields (first and last names, hire date, etc.), and the system will automatically pull the relevant information on send out.

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Flexible document templates

Share files with the right people

Simple document delivery

Cezanne’s HR software lets you easily share documents with your whole workforce, a select group of people or individual employees.

You have the option to distribute personalised documents, such as confirmation of pay awards or promotions, via the HR document management tool or simply upload files like company handbooks or guides to your HR portals or workspace.

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Simple document delivery

Easily verify receipt of information

Document tracking and E-signatures

With Cezanne’s document management system, you can quickly confirm who’s opened and read your delivered document – and require digital signatures too.

For e-signatures, recipients can easily type in their digital signature and the system will record the time and date it’s completed.

Cezanne’s Google Maps integration, with the right browser permissions, also enables you to quickly validate the location of where the document has been signed and spot potential anomalies.

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Document tracking and e-signatures

Protect private date with ease

Safe storage

Cezanne makes use of advanced application security and infrastructure to ensure HR data and documents held in the system are kept safe.

And, with our in-built GDPR functionality, we help you delete or anonymise data and documents in line with your own GDPR policies.

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Safe storage

Let’s transform HR together

Cezanne’s HR and Payroll software is trusted by thousands of HR professionals across the globe to help them better manage, support, engage and connect their people. Get in touch today to learn more.

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