Why employee learning programmes future-proof workforces in summary:

  • Good employee learning programmes ensure that the workforce stays updated with evolving technologies and industry trends, fostering innovation and bridging skills gaps.
  • Investing in employees’ growth shows they are valued, enhancing job satisfaction and retention while attracting top talent looking for development opportunities.
  • Structured learning initiatives prepare employees for leadership roles and make the workforce adaptable and resilient to industry disruptions and economic challenges.

Just for a second, imagine a workplace where everyone’s skills are always up-to-date, innovation flows like water, and challenges are tackled with confidence.

Sounds good, doesn’t it? A business with those attributes will find it much easier to navigate turbulent economic waters and thrive during even the most prolonged skills shortage. And the best part is those qualities aren’t out of reach of any organisation… they just need to be nurtured in the right way, and that’s where effective learning programmes come into play.

The core benefits of good learning programmes

Learning programmes are a brilliant method of re-skilling and upskilling a workforce. But, it’s important to note that learning programmes shouldn’t just be viewed as a ‘perk’ or ‘nice to have’. They’re vital for supporting positive company cultures and driving business success.

Why Employee Learning Programmes Future-Proof Workforces Cezanne blog

For example, research by McKinsey discovered that 75% of the reskilling cases make economic sense for UK employers, and that 43% of all reskilling cases would yield payoffs – such as improved business performance and better rates of retention.

In addition, our own research into what makes a satisfying workplace discovered that learning and development are a key part of continued employment satisfaction. So, it’s clear that learning opportunities aren’t just great for businesses – they’re great for people, too!

Perhaps most importantly though, is that learning programmes can future-proof companies both large and small – here’s why….

The forever-changing landscape of work

Imagine a business still using typewriters in today’s age of digital transformations. Or your company still relaying on fax machines and telegrams to communicate. Sounds absurd, right? But that’s how a workforce without up-to-the-minute skills looks in today’s digital era.

New technologies and methodologies pop up regularly, driven by competitive marketplaces, technological breakthroughs and global events. However, if employees aren’t learning continuously or given the opportunity to develop their own skillsets, they risk being left behind. Therefore, so does the company.

Great employee learning programmes are the bridge that helps your team evolve from outdated practices to more cutting-edge strategies and new ways of thinking. If your employees are given the opportunities to learn all about industry innovations or new practices, your business can stay ahead of the curve, and not always be playing catch up to progress.

Boosting morale and retention

Employees want to know their employers see them as more than just cogs in a machine. So, offering learning opportunities is a powerful way to show you’re invested in their growth and their career development. Plus, as we mentioned earlier, that faith can translate into increased employment satisfaction that can have overwhelmingly positive effects across an entire business.

The fact of the matter is when people feel valued, they’re happier. And happy employees stick around. It’s a win-win: they get to grow their skills, and you have a better chance of keeping your top talent. Plus, a learning culture can turn your workplace into an exciting environment where people are eager to come in every day and tackle new challenges.

Encouraging innovation

Ever heard the saying, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”? Well, in the business world, that mindset is a recipe for disaster. Continuous learning keeps your workforce adaptable and open to new ideas. When employees are encouraged to learn, they’re more likely to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions.

Consider a scenario where your team regularly engages in workshops about the latest industry trends. They’re going to be the ones setting those trends rather than just following them. This proactive approach can set your company apart from competitors and position you as a leader in your field.

Bridging the skills gap and beating the shrinking workforce

The dreaded skills gap. It’s a term that’s been thrown around a lot lately, and for good reason. There’s often a mismatch between the skills employers need and the skills employees have. Worse still, the UK’s talent pool is also getting smaller and smaller.

But guess what? Good employee learning programmes can make those issues irrelevant.

By offering tailored training that aligns with the company’s goals and the industry’s demands, you ensure that your team is always equipped with the right skills at the right time. This not only boosts productivity, but also makes your workforce more agile and capable of handling the ever-evolving market demands.

Future leaders in the making

Every company needs a pipeline of future leaders. But leaders aren’t just born; they’re made. Through leadership development programmes, mentorship opportunities, and targeted learning initiatives, you can cultivate the next generation of leaders within your organisation. Rather than taking your chances from hiring externally.

These programmes can help employees develop crucial skills such as decision-making, strategic thinking, and effective communication. As these emerging leaders grow, they bring fresh perspectives and ideas, driving the company forward and ensuring long-term success.

Attracting top talent

In today’s job market, top talent is looking for more than just a healthy annual salary. They want growth opportunities, challenges, and a chance to expand their horizons. By promoting a culture of continuous learning, you make your company more attractive to high-calibre candidates.

Imagine interviewing a brilliant prospect and being able to say, “We offer extensive learning and development programmes to help you grow your career with us.” That’s a powerful selling point! It shows that your company is forward-thinking and dedicated to the professional development of its employees.

Adapting to technological advancements

Technology isn’t slowing down, and neither should your team’s understanding of it. With new tools and platforms emerging all the time, keeping up can feel like a full-time job. That’s where structured learning programmes come in.

Regular training sessions on the latest tech advancements ensure your team is always proficient with the tools they need to excel. This not only improves efficiency, but also empowers employees to leverage technology to innovate and streamline processes.

Building a resilient workforce

Lastly, in the face of economic downturns, industry disruptions or global crises (hello, pandemic), a well-trained workforce is a more resilient one.

Employees who are accustomed to learning new skills are better equipped to pivot and adapt to changing circumstances. For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, companies with robust learning programmes were able to quickly upskill their employees for remote work, digital communication and new business models. Those without such programmes found the transition much more challenging.

So, next time someone asks why your company should invest in learning programmes, you can confidently say, “Because we’re building the workforce of the future, today”. And who wouldn’t want to be part of that?

Learn how to create perfect employee learning programmes - click here to get your free guide from Cezanne

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Kim Holdroyd

HR & Wellbeing Manager

Kim Holdroyd has an MSc in HRM and is passionate about all things HR and people operations, specialising in the employee life cycle, company culture, and employee empowerment. Her career background has been spent with various industries, including technology start-ups, gaming software, and recruitment.

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