Cezanne’s Top 10 HR Blogs of 2021 in summary:

In this article, Cezanne highlights the most-read articles on their website over the course of 2021, offering valuable insights for HR professionals. They include:

  • How HR Software Helps with Your Recruitment Process: Explores how HR software can streamline recruitment processes, aiding in quickly finding suitable candidates and ensuring a smooth transition from candidate to employee.
  • 4 Ways Your HR System can Help Support your Culture: Discusses strategies to maintain a healthy company culture, even with hybrid working models, by utilising HR systems to support cultural initiatives.
  • Mental Health Awareness Week at Cezanne: Shares tips and insights from employees on maintaining positive mental well-being, emphasising the importance of mental health in the workplace.

As we approach the end of 2021, it’s a chance for all of us to look back over the course of the past 12 months and reflect on just what a tough year it’s been for everyone – especially those of us in HR!

To draw the curtain down on 2021 and welcome in the new year, let’s look at the 10 most read HR blogs that have featured on the Cezanne website this year…

Here at Cezanne's Top 10 HR Blogs of 2021 - enjoy!

10. How HR software can help with your recruitment process

The world of work has been turned upside down by ‘The Great Resignation’: an event which has caused an unprecedented number of people to decide to switch jobs, and also leave their employers struggling to fill the skill gaps they leave behind.

With that in mind, our 10th-placed HR blog of 2021 looked at how HR software can help you rise to the challenge of not only finding the right employees for your vacancies quickly; but also make the transition from candidate to employee effortless.

9. 4 ways your HR system can help support your culture

Whilst hybrid working is nothing new, there’s an opinion amongst some business leaders that working from home is harmful to a company’s culture. However, with hybrid working seemingly here to stay, it’s in every organisation’s best interests to maintain a healthy company culture regardless of where their workers are based.

Coming in at 9 on our top 10 was this insightful blog that looked at how you can use your HR system to support your company’s culture and help mitigate any negative impacts of homeworking in the process. If improving the culture of your business is high on your HR team’s agenda in 2022, this blog is well worth a read!

8. Mental Health Awareness Week at Cezanne HR

Whilst 2021 did see life returning to some sense of normality, it’s clear that the mental health of the nation has been put through the wringer. The Mental Health Awareness Week was the ideal time to highlight the importance of maintaining good mental health.

Coming in on our list in 8th this year was our blog that shared tips and insights from our own employees on how they preserve their own positive mental wellbeing.

7. HR vs. Line Managers: How to build a productive relationship

Isn’t it great when everyone just gets along? But as an HR professional, it’s possible you’ll encounter difficult relationships with line managers at some point during your career. After all, you’ll both have high expectations of one another, and this could lead to friction if demands are not met from either side…

It’s a fact that whilst the relationship between HR and line managers can be complicated, successful people management hinges on both parties working together. In this fantastic article, we took a deep dive into how HR teams and line managers can work together to build productive relationships with each other.

6. Do you have a plan for managing homeworker disengagement? Why HR needs to lead the way in a post-lockdown world

Coming in at number 6 in our 10 most read HR blogs of 2021, we had a great chat with Mike, Managing Director of Vero HR. We discussed how post-lockdown working is a brilliant opportunity for HR to be more proactive, and to be at the front of their organisations as they troubleshoot how to operate in a business environment that continues to change. A must-read!

The secrets to becoming a great HR leader are just a click away - get the guide here.

5. 3 ways HR software ensures a smooth return to on-site working

As COVID restrictions lifted, 2021 saw a gradual return to the office for many companies who’d shifted to home working. However, bringing workers back on-site demanded HR and business leaders to think about internal comms, HR processes, location tracking, performance management… and that was just the start!

Sitting pretty in 5th on our list, this blog looked at how an effective HR software solution could ensure a smooth return to working on-site full time. It also features vital information on how important updates should reach employees, keeping track of people on site and maintaining effective performance management.

4. What is career and succession planning software and what does it do?

In the midst of the Great Resignation, it’s likely that you’ll be under pressure to track your workforce’s skills and career aspirations, identify key or at-risk roles, and help manage the career paths of your most valued employees.

Luckily, career and succession planning software can make these duties a lot easier and was the focus of our 4th most read blog of the past 12 months.

3. How to engage a global workforce

With technology doing an amazing job of bringing the world together, the need to have all your employees in one place isn’t necessarily vital to keep a business running smoothly. If they’ve got the equipment and support, they could be logging in from a café in Crete, finalising a spreadsheet in San Jose or ‘Zooming’ into a sales meeting from Memphis!

This does raise an intriguing question, though. If you have a workforce based around the world, how can you manage and engage with them effectively? The article sitting 3rd in our top 10 blogs of the year looked to answer exactly that!

2. What are your career and succession plans? Don’t lose talent post lockdown

Our 2nd most read blog of the year was another in-depth article looking at the business of career and succession planning. With the world of work in flux thanks to an ultra-competitive jobs market, 2021 proved to be the perfect time to create effective career and succession plans and prevent losing your best talent to potential industry rivals.

Our article took a deep dive into how HR teams can plan, instigate and measure effective career and succession strategies.

1. What is a 9-box grid and why might you find it helpful?

And finally, in the number 1 spot this year is our hugely popular article about what exactly is a 9-box grid, and just why they can be incredibly helpful to HR teams. If it’s something you’ve not read about before, it’s definitely worth a read!

So, there you have it: our top 10 most read HR blogs of 2021. Which one has been your favourite?

We’ll be bringing more fantastic content over the course of 2022 (and beyond!), so if you’d like to keep up to date with the latest goings on within the world of HR, just sign up to our monthly newsletter by hitting the link below.

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Paul Bauer

Paul Bauer is the Head of Content at Cezanne. Based in the Utopia of Milton Keynes (his words, not ours!) he’s worked within the employee benefits, engagement and HR sectors for over four years. He's also earned multiple industry awards for his work - including a coveted Roses Creative Award.

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