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Erika Lucas

Writer and Communications Consultant

Erika Lucas is a writer and communications consultant with a special interest in HR, leadership, management and personal development. Her career has spanned journalism and PR, with previous roles in regional press, BBC Radio, PR consultancy, charities and business schools.

working from home video call

How HR can support remote working

The subject of remote working continues to be a top priority for HR teams. Many larger organisations have already adapted to working remotely, mainly due to the blanket ‘stay at home’ restrictions we all experienced at the height of the […]

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Reverse Mentoring: How to get it right

In today’s multi-generational workforces, reverse mentoring (where a less experienced/junior employee mentors a more senior colleague) is becoming increasingly popular. It’s often talked about in the context of the younger, supposedly more ‘tech savvy’ employee helping managers get to grips […]

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How HR can improve its influence

What do CEOs actually want from their HR people? Google that question, and there’s a pretty long list. Making change happen quickly, developing leaders for the digital world, finding and keeping the best talent, preparing the business for the impact […]

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CIPD annual conference and exhibition logo

What you missed at CIPD ACE 2019

“It’s like HR Glastonbury,” said one Twitter follower last week, joining the queue to get into the CIPD’s Annual Conference and Exhibition last week. There may not have been quite as much mud and rain (and hopefully better toilets) as […]

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