Time for a rethink on HR?

Uncomfortable reading for HR people this week in the shape of new research which shows they are largely viewed as ineffective and not fast or flexible enough to adapt their strategies to the changing world of work. This serious ‘image’ […]

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Fatal flaws of bad managers

If the reading material that’s crossed my desk in the last few days is anything to go by, it’s not been a good week for bad managers. First came the Chartered Management Institute’s annual Quality of Work Life survey, which […]

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So, you think you’re a great manager?

Some uncomfortable reading for managers this week in the shape of a CIPD survey which suggests many are somewhat ‘deluded’ about the effectiveness of their leadership style. Three quarters of employees questioned for the research said they rated their managers […]

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Low cost staff learning tips for HR Cezanne HR Blog

Low cost staff learning: tips for HR

Low cost staff learning: tips for HR in summary: Even with tight budgets, there are a wealth of effective but relatively inexpensive staff learning and development opportunities out there. Large corporations – including Google – now use mobile technology and […]

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Are you a family-friendly employer?

Another week, another industry award – and this time the search is on for the top employer for working families. Now the arguments for being a flexible, family-friendly employer are well-rehearsed. Access to a wider talent pool. Engaged and loyal employees. […]

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