
Going for gold how to support great teamwork Cezanne HR and Payroll software

Going for gold: supporting great teamwork

Going for gold: how to support great teamwork in summary: There are several strategies businesses can adopt to encourage great teamwork. These include regularly revisiting and updating team goals to ensure they remain clear, relevant, and aligned with overall objectives. […]

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Should employees have a voice?

Interesting food for thought in the shape of a recent debate between academics and HR practitioners on the need to give employees a ‘voice’ in the workplace. The Voice and Value Conference (organised jointly by the CIPD and London School […]

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How to bridge the generation gap

New research this week which shows that the generational divide is well and truly alive and kicking in the workplace. According to a report from Ashridge Business School, there is an alarming mismatch between what managers and their younger ‘Gen […]

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Time for a fresh start?

There’s a definite whiff of sharpened pencil in the air as the summer holidays draw to a close and the children head back to school. September is often a time for new beginnings in the workplace too, as people return […]

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