The missing middle

Middle managers are a crucial cog in the wheels of any business. Their day-to-day dealings with their team have a ‘make or break’ impact on the way people feel about work and the effort they put into their job. Developing […]

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festival work supplier

Do you need HR Software?

I’ve always found trade exhibitions a good way to gather new ideas, see the latest HR software initiatives, update my knowledge and make useful contacts. Like the HR Software Show (20-21 June, Olympia, London), they are also very often free […]

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So, you think you’re a great manager?

Some uncomfortable reading for managers this week in the shape of a CIPD survey which suggests many are somewhat ‘deluded’ about the effectiveness of their leadership style. Three quarters of employees questioned for the research said they rated their managers […]

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Low cost staff learning tips for HR Cezanne HR Blog

Low cost staff learning: tips for HR

Low cost staff learning: tips for HR in summary: Even with tight budgets, there are a wealth of effective but relatively inexpensive staff learning and development opportunities out there. Large corporations – including Google – now use mobile technology and […]

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