
Should employees have a voice?

Interesting food for thought in the shape of a recent debate between academics and HR practitioners on the need to give employees a ‘voice’ in the workplace. The Voice and Value Conference (organised jointly by the CIPD and London School […]

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Why we went native (for mobile apps)

Many individuals today are inseparable from their smartphones. No longer just a vehicle for communicating, such devices enable people to bank, shop, book holidays or look for a new house no matter where they are. The convenience and level of […]

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Have great conversations with your team

In a small business, having a ‘happy ship’ is vital. There simply isn’t time for the minor spats, grudges and resentment that can so easily arise simply because someone has been misunderstood or hasn’t got their message across clearly.

Indeed research has shown that a negative interaction with someone has a real impact on productivity – it can take someone several hours to recover not just their good spirits but also their concentration after a difficult or unpleasant exchange with a colleague or their manager.

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