How to drive performance and productivity in your SME

The important role that SMEs have to play in driving economic growth is increasingly being recognised – and as a result there’s been a noticeable rise in HR circles of efforts to help small businesses manage their people more effectively.

As the employers of over 14 million people in the UK, it is important that SMEs get their HR management right.

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Why HR should get social

It’s probably fair to say that some in the HR profession have been a bit slow to appreciate the value that active use of social media tools could add to their role. If anything, the over-riding reaction seems to have […]

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Time for a fresh start?

There’s a definite whiff of sharpened pencil in the air as the summer holidays draw to a close and the children head back to school. September is often a time for new beginnings in the workplace too, as people return […]

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The missing middle

Middle managers are a crucial cog in the wheels of any business. Their day-to-day dealings with their team have a ‘make or break’ impact on the way people feel about work and the effort they put into their job. Developing […]

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Low cost staff learning tips for HR Cezanne HR Blog

Low cost staff learning: tips for HR

Low cost staff learning: tips for HR in summary: Even with tight budgets, there are a wealth of effective but relatively inexpensive staff learning and development opportunities out there. Large corporations – including Google – now use mobile technology and […]

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