Supporting employee well-being

Recent press reports about the health risks of the ‘sedentary’ lives led by office workers has brought the issue of employee well-being to the fore. Research from On your Feet Britain, together with the British Heart Foundation, suggests that sitting […]

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What’s holding HR back? Is it technology? Cezanne HR Blog

What’s holding HR back? Is it technology?

What’s holding HR back? Is it technology? In summary: In this blog, we identify the most common barriers hindering HR technology adoption, including budget constraints, lack of understanding of technology benefits, and resistance to change within HR departments. It offers […]

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How to run a great performance review

The beginning of the year heralds the arrival in many organisations of the annual round of performance reviews. As a busy manager, it’s easy to regard it as a time-consuming, bureaucratic exercise that takes your attention away from activates that […]

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