Why we need to see stress differently Cezanne HR Blog

Why we need to see stress differently

Why we need to see stress differently in summary: In this blog, we aim to challenge the traditional perceptions of stress, advocating for a shift in mindset towards viewing stress as a potential catalyst for growth and resilience. It discusses […]

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Young woman texting

Retaining Young Employees

Are you struggling to hold on to your younger staff? You are not alone. According to Gallup, “21% of millennial workers… switched job in the last year”, and research by LinkedIn identified that millennials move companies more frequently than previous […]

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Illustration of a man giving a woman star rating

How to make performance appraisals work

Performance management is high on the agenda for many organisations. In an increasingly competitive business climate, companies can’t afford to have ‘coasters’. They need their people to be performing at peak and agile enough to respond to new opportunities and […]

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