Inspiration Healthcare

With a core remit to innovate, create and inspire, Inspiration Healthcare are pioneers of medical technology that improves patient outcomes. Based in Croydon and with offices across the UK, the business is home to over 200 employees who help design, […]

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Making the business case for HR software Cezanne HR blog

5 tips for HR to support business growth

Although the road ahead is still looking decidedly bumpy, there’s increased optimism that the UK’s economy is on course for recovery and… whisper it… renewed growth. For example, the CBI has recently upgraded its own economic outlook and believes that […]

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The 10 best automation tools for HR Cezanne HR Blog

The 10 best automation tools for HR

I imagine I’m not the only one who resents spending time on manual repetitive tasks. Activities that can’t be ignored, but aren’t really adding value either. It’s not just bad for my personal sanity, but for business too! Completing dull, […]

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